lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012


What are mermaids?
Mermaids are fabulous beings, originating from Greek mythology and widespread in the fantastic stories of Western literature, whose function and representation have varied over time.
Although in its original form they were hybrids, then the most common representation describes them as beautiful women with fishtail instead of legs. That is why many non-latin cultures ​​distinguish the classic Original mermaid from the mermaid fish tail.

Many sailors claim to see mermaids today. As the documentary says, mermaids have been drawn by several populations throughout history, each of those cultures didn´t know the existance of one another, however  they always drew the same type of mermaids: women with fish tails. Clearly mermaids are not just women, there also exist men. Also it is not possible for a creature like this, with a human dorsal and a fishtail, to exist. This would be a mutation. A mermaid should be an animal and not a creature formed by parts from different animals; for us, it would just be a human or ape adaptation to the sea, not a fish-human mutation. Do you understand? Well, these are the differences that we want to point out:

 Mermaid painting

Mermaid (Animal Planet)

As we were not sure if the documentary was true or not, we went to another website that said that those "mermaids" the sailors saw at that time were simply naked women. Anyhow as it was not common to see at those times naked women around, they thought that there were mystical beings bathing on the banks. They just probably could see only their back and the rest was sheer imagination.

Some sailors have claimed as well not only to have seen them but to have found fish recently killed with a very special type of weapon probably fabricated by these mermaids.

As I mentioned, the sailors have claimed throughout history viewing on spring tides, indeed, the seamen told stories about it, the Greeks, the Vikings and the Chinese described them in their times of maritime exploration, and all described the same creature these companies without a direct connection. Traveling as Christopher Columbus left records of these mythical animals in the nineteenth century also say if any views. Even in the desert where the sea once existed in Egypt, in caverns show some paintings more than 30,000 years ago, which show "people" swimming (with tales) coexisting with whales and dolphins and humans fighting.
 This can be seen from two points of view; mermaids or humans could have paint in some point in history those battles that were generated.

We find this amazing and every time we see this photo we think mermaids really exist, or ¿why else should have been painted for so long?

Well, also the film is based on "THE AQUATIC APE THEORY".
     (But before we talk about this we need to know this:
1 - The Primates are an order of mammals belonging to the man and his closest relatives. Primates have five fingers, a common dental pattern, and a primitive (unspecialized) body plan.
2 - An ape is an anthropoid primate. Anthropoid: suborder of primates that are characterized by a progressive flare stem, increasing the volume of the brain tissue and reducing the facial skeleton. The fur is very dense and in some species has showy colorations. The hands and feet are prehensile, opposable thumb usually as a result of adaptation to arboreal life
3 - Sometimes Ape is used in the Spanish language as a synonym for mono.)

So "The Theory of Mono-Aquatic Ape" comes from the ideas proposed Allister Hardy in the 1930s and popularized Elaine Morgan with his book The Descent of Woman in 1972. This theory or hypothesis postulates that the ancestor of modern humans was a primate aquatic or semi-aquatic, biped and not just hair. This theory focuses on the commonalities between humans and aquatic mammals, and that unlike other arboreal primates.
Honestly this theory finally convinced me, or if not, how do we explain why we don´t have too much hair now? We would be hairy people.
Even more, they have super arguments (very good in my opinion). Here are some summarized:
1) We have very little body hair, we have 10 times more fat (and also white fat) than other primates, that is useful to swim.
2) For brain development we require certain substances found only in fish and shellfish (eicosinoico acid).
3) We lose a lot of water through sweat.
4) We can hold breath for several minutes (not like other apes, supposedly).
5) Instinctively swam at birth.
6) Some of our specific diseases and parasites require aquatic stages to develop.
7) The bipedalism (walking supported only by the two hind limbs) that characterizes us (not found in any other animal of savannah, or any primate, except us) is easily explained, according to this theory, if we imagine an existence in the shallow waters of the sea or lake shores.
8) One of our spine is weak because in aquatic environments that must support the weight is much lower than on land.
9) Most of the findings of Australopithecus found in aquatic sediments, often associated with fossil crocodile or turtle eggs.
10) The water birth greatly facilitates the birth of human beings.

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